What began as a women's self help center has blossomed into one of St Louis' most impactful non profits. Safe Connections, one of the region’s oldest and largest organizations working to prevent and end domestic and sexual violence, offers 24 hour crisis prevention, group therapy and prevention education all in an effort to reduce the impact of domestic and sexual violence. They've been helping women (and men too!) since 1976 completely free of charge. There's no telling the number of lives saved over the years, but if you can count on one thing, it's that Safe Connections is determined to save as many as possible with some of the most powerful armors available; Knowledge, acceptance and support.
Get Rosé Day tickets through the following link and a portion of your purchase will be directed specifically to supporting Safe Connection's work. See you on Rosé Day! GET TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rose-day-in-the-cwe-tickets-53163596749?aff=SafeConnections